Ballet Chelsea's community of sponsors, donors, and supporters is a source of encouragement and inspiration for our organization. We have been deeply touched by the generosity of our community during these challenging times; a testament to the enduring power of connection and community. Thank you for making what we do possible!
Grants and Foundations
National Endowment for the Arts
Michigan Arts and Cultural Council, MACC
Chelsea Community Foundation, CCF
The Wilkinson Foundation
5 Healthy Towns Foundation
Ann Arbor Community Foundation
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
Dexter Community Foundation
Kiwanis of Ann Arbor
Rotary Club of Ann Arbor
Jeff and Ann Kittendorf Fund
Dance Friends
Jackson Symphony Orchestra
D&B Strategic Marketing
SunTimes News
Surelutions Web Design
Laura Chodoroff Design
Michael Bessom Photography
Merkel Carpet
The Potting Shed, Kitty Face and Violet and Moss Chelsea, MI